
My Name's Not Craig

You won't know my name,

But you can still know me!

Who tf is Craig? DJs Mixtape The Game Room Photo Gallery

As of now, I've got no real, solid, layed out plan for this place. Maybe it could be a spot to show of some photos I take, or maybe make some kind of interesting pages or somthing idk

I'm not sure how to blog either. Like do I just write my thoughts? That's what a journal is for. Do I list the songs I like? Maybe, but I've gotta figure this whole neocities thing out first.

I only took an intro to coding class in school, so I only really know the basics of html and css coding. I find it so much fun though, and would love to learn more!

Now what are some things I like?
That's a good question, visitor, I'd like to know too!
Do I have a plan for this site?
Simply just your resident loser
All photos (should be eventually) my own